Reclined Pigeon Pose

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Day 47_b - Reclined Pigeon.jpg

Reclined Pigeon Pose (Supta Kapotasana) also known as Eye-of-the-Needle and Figure-4 pose – I love this hip opening stretch that’s not only a basic yoga posture, but also commonly used by athletes. I wonder if they realize they’re practicing yoga?

Benefits: This pose stretches the hips, glutes and IT band, and releases tension in the low back. In yin yoga, Eye-of-the-Needle balances the liver and gall bladder meridian, releasing anger and frustration, and inviting a sense of adaptability and ease.

How to: I’m showing two versions of this pose and inviting you to choose the one that feels best for your body. Recline on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Cross your left ankle on top of your right thigh and flex your foot (flexing the foot helps to protect your knee). Use your left hand to gently press your left knee away from you. Relax your shoulders and breathe deeply. You should feel a nice stretch in your left hip. If you’d like a little more sensation, reach your left hand through the opening in the legs and clasp your fingers behind your right thigh, drawing the legs closer to your body. You should be able to keep your shoulders on the mat and your chin drawn gently toward your chest. If the shoulders lift and the chin juts up, allow your legs to come back to the first version of this pose. Relax and breathe for several breath cycles or for 3-5 minutes. Rest with legs unbound and extended for a few breaths before stretching the other side.

Mantra: “I create space for new possibilities with grace and ease.”

Deb Althoff

Deb brings a joyful approach to teaching yoga. Come to your mat and let the practice meet you where you are - you’ll be so glad you did!

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