Child’s Pose with a Twist

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Child’s Pose with a Twist – We all have those days when we need to surrender to the process of something beyond our control. That’s what child’s pose usually feels like to me – a sweet surrender – and today’s edition involves twisting and compressing into the torso.

Benefits: Like regular child’s pose, this posture calms our nervous system, and reduces stress and anxiety. It releases tension in the neck, shoulders and upper back, plus it’s great for headache relief. It brings flexibility to the spine, hips, knees and ankles. Improves circulation in the organs and stretches the side-body, creating more space in the lungs.

How to: Come to your hands and knees on the floor. Spread the knees wide and allow your big toes to lightly touch behind you. Move your hips back to sit on the heels of your feet and stretch your arms toward the top of your mat. Take a deep breath here, and on your exhale tuck your left arm under the body, reaching your left hand off the right side of your mat. Rest your left shoulder and the left side of your face on the mat and take a few deep breaths here.

Stretch your arms to the top of the mat and pause for a couple of breath cycles before twisting to the other side.

Mantra: “Transformation happens on the other side of surrender.”

Deb Althoff

Deb brings a joyful approach to teaching yoga. Come to your mat and let the practice meet you where you are - you’ll be so glad you did!

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