Pigeon Pose

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Day 84_b - Pigeon Pose.jpg

Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) – Now here’s a pose that will open the hips! As with all yoga poses, there’s more to this pose than meets the eye. While pigeon pose is a great hip-opener, it also releases tension in the psoas muscle where old emotions can be held. Ease into this pose and be ready to let that stuff go!

Benefits: Lifting the body up (photo 1), pigeon pose stretches and releases the psoas muscle (front of the hips). It stretches the hip, glute, IT band, knee and ankle; opens the front of the body; releases tension in the body and old emotions from the psoas.

Resting the torso over the front leg (photo 2) releases tension in the hips and entire spine; improves digestion; and calms the mind. In yin yoga, this pose helps to balance the liver meridian where anger and frustration can be held, therefore inviting a sense of ease and calm.

How to: Come to your hands and knees for table pose (day 12). Draw the left knee forward and to the left side of your mat. Move the left foot up and toward the right side of the mat or, closer to the groin for a less intense stretch. Press into the finger tips to lift the body upward. Take a few deep breaths, lifting your heart and feeling an opening in the front of the body.

Allow your body to lean forward, resting the belly on your left leg, and forehead on the backs of your hands. Stay here for 2-5 minutes, breathing deep and steady. Ease out of the pose, stretching into downward dog or child’s pose before stretching the other side.

Mantra: “I create a sense of peace by focusing on my breath.”

Deb Althoff

Deb brings a joyful approach to teaching yoga. Come to your mat and let the practice meet you where you are - you’ll be so glad you did!


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