Happy Baby Pose

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Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana) - Here’s a great hip opener with a playful vibe!

Benefits: This posture helps to stretch and open the hips; releases tension and relieves pain in the low back: stretches the glutes and hamstring muscles; realigns and stretches the spine; calms the nervous system; and lowers the heart rate.

How to: Come onto your back and hugs the legs into your body. Reach your hands between the knees and take hold of the outside edges of your feet. If you can’t reach your feet, just hold the ankles or shins. Draw the chin down and in and notice yourself grounded on your upper back and shoulder blades. Keep the chin down and upper back grounded as you open your feet toward the ceiling, drawing the knees down side-to-side. If your chin and shoulders lift, simply bring the feet back closer to the body. Breathe here, move around a little, and by all means, SMILE. You never saw a grumpy baby hold this pose.

Mantra: “I approach my yoga practice with joy and curiosity.”

Deb Althoff

Deb brings a joyful approach to teaching yoga. Come to your mat and let the practice meet you where you are - you’ll be so glad you did!


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