Dragonfly Pose

Day 57 - seated wide leg forward fold.jpg

Seated Wide-legged Forward Fold (Upavistha Konasana), also known as Dragonfly in Yin Yoga. This is a great pose for practicing your “letting go” skills. Come on down to the floor and give it a try!

Benefits: This pose stretches the inner legs, groins and hamstrings to relieve low back pain and tightness in the hips. It stretches the spine and stimulates abdominal organs. In yin yoga, this pose (Dragonfly) balances the liver meridian where anger and frustration is held. Practicing this pose with the intention of softening and letting go promotes a sense of acceptance and ease.

How to: Sit on the floor with legs spread wide. Press into the sit bones to sit as tall as you can, and rotate the legs slightly outward so that your knee caps point toward the ceiling. Lengthen through the heels as you flex the feet, drawing the toes toward your knees. You might already notice a stretch on the backs of the legs. Take a deep breath in, and on your exhale start to lean forward – have a sensation of your belly button moving forward first. Allow your hands to take hold of your legs or feet, and then focus on relaxing your head, shoulders and upper body.

Modifications: If your hamstrings are really tight, try sitting on a folded blanket (or two) to lift your hips a little higher. You can also bend the knees to help relieve the intensity of the stretch. Also, don’t force this stretch. Move into this pose slowly and gently, honoring your body and feeling good about where you land.

Mantra: “I lean into relaxation every chance I get.”

Deb Althoff

Deb brings a joyful approach to teaching yoga. Come to your mat and let the practice meet you where you are - you’ll be so glad you did!


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