Windshield Wiper Knees

Windshield Wiper Knees – You’re in for a real treat today, yoga friend. This movement is a great way to release low back tension and calm the mind at the same time. Come down to the floor and onto your back for this one. Notice and appreciate the massage on the back body as you move through this stretch.

Benefits: This pose releases tension in the hips and low back; massages the back body; improves digestion; detoxes the organs; calms the mind; and resets the nervous system.

How to: Rest on your back with the knees bent and feet on the floor. Have the feet and knees be about 8-10 inches apart. Tuck your shoulder blades down and under, and draw the chin toward your chest to create length in the back of the neck. Relax the head and upper body, and take a deep breath in. As you exhale, allow your knees to softly fall to the right and your face to look left. Inhale, lift the knees and face back to center; exhale allow the knees to fall to the left and the face to turn right. Continue this motion, inhaling the knees to top, and exhaling side to side. Repeat the motion five times to each side. Then, allow your knees to fall right and the face to turn left and hold this shape for a few breath cycles. Inhale come back to center, then rest with the knees falling to the left/face right for a few breath cycles. Hug the knees into the chest to complete the practice.

Mantra: “I march to the beat of my own drum, and move to the rhythm of my own breath.”

Deb Althoff

Deb brings a joyful approach to teaching yoga. Come to your mat and let the practice meet you where you are - you’ll be so glad you did!

Quarter Dog Pose


Heart Opener Restorative Pose