Supported Bridge Pose


Supported Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) – There are many different ways to create a base for supported bridge pose. I typically lead this pose with students using a yoga block to support the pelvis, but folded blankets create for a more comfortable base, making this a sweet restorative yoga pose.

Benefits: This pose releases tension in the low back, neck and shoulders, making it a great pose to counter stressful times. Supported bridge pose relieves headaches; opens the front body, stretches the chest, and calms the mind. As a restorative yoga pose, this shape is held a little longer, so be sure to incorporate a slow and steady breath for maximum benefits.

How to: Rest on your back with the knees bent. Position your feet on the mat so that it feels effortless to keep your knees upright. Press into the feet to lift your hips off the floor, and slide a stack of folded blankets under your low back. You want the position of the stack to support your tailbone and low back, so adjust the blankets as needed. Tuck the shoulder blades down and under to lift the heart; arms out from the body with the palms of the hands facing up. Draw the chin toward your chest to lengthen the back of the neck, and then relax. Slow and deepen your breath, and stay in this pose for five to 20 minutes. To come out of the pose, press into the feet to lift your hips up, slide the blankets out from under you, and lower your hips to the floor. Hug your knees to the chest for a couple of breath cycles.

Mantra: “I am gentle with myself and others.”

Deb Althoff

Deb brings a joyful approach to teaching yoga. Come to your mat and let the practice meet you where you are - you’ll be so glad you did!

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