Easy Pose with Grounded Fingers

Day 72 - easy pose with grounded fingers.jpg

Easy Pose with Grounded Fingers (modified Sukasana) – Yogis use the term “grounding” to refer to calming down, settling in and releasing tension in the body and mind. If you’re feeling scattered and pulled in several directions at once, this is a great way to ground yourself and regroup.

Benefits: Holding this pose helps to settle the mind, calm the nervous system and adjust our attitude. Just like Sukasana, this pose helps to ground us when we feel scattered or anxious. It improves posture; stretches the hips, knees and ankles; strengthens the spine; releases tension in the shoulders; and reduces stress and fatigue.

How to: Sit on the floor in Sukasana. If you feel tightness in your low back or if your knees are lifted, sit on a folded blanket (or two) to raise the hips a few inches higher. Press into the sit bones equally and lift through the crown of the head to sit nice and tall. Keeping a tall spine, lean forward and rest all 10 fingers on the floor in front of you. Allow your gaze to be downward between your hands. Press into the fingertips, lower the shoulders from the ears and draw your heart forward. Keep your awareness on the sit bones and the tips of all 10 fingers, feeling a sense of safety and stability. Slow and deepen the breath, remaining in this pose for 3-8 breath cycles.

Mantra: “I trust in the divine order of things.”

Deb Althoff

Deb brings a joyful approach to teaching yoga. Come to your mat and let the practice meet you where you are - you’ll be so glad you did!


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